How long will it take for my services to go live?

When you place a new order with us, we understand that you're eager to start using our services as soon as possible.

Typically, it takes approximately 16 days for a new order to go live. However, we understand that waiting can be difficult, which is why we make every effort to provide you with a go-live date within 72 hours of placing your order.

Our team works diligently to ensure that your order is processed quickly and efficiently, so you can start enjoying our broadband services as soon as possible. If you have any questions or concerns about the status of your order, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're always happy to help!

Get in touch with one of the team

Open 7 days a week from 9am to 7.30pm weekdays and 9am to 4pm on Saturdays and Sundays

Please note that on Sunday's we are available for Technical support only via phone not chat.

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